The purpose of TEDxLuxembourgCity is to bring people together to explore who we are and the world around us. The events engage Luxembourg and the greater region to share and explain ideas and create a movement aiming to excite the community and build a better future for us all. Visualize Impact was tasked to create a logo and brand identity for two TEDxLuxembourgCity events in 2024.
TEDxEd Event Logo
The idea behind the logo was to illustrate the theme of the event “Infinite Learning: Limitless Skills”. We used the infinity sign to encapsulate icons representing learning and skills. The iconic “X” was used as a middle point for the logo and a connector for the infinity sign. We created multiple versions of the logo by arranging the text in different ways to give more flexibility for various use cases.
First TEDx in Luxembourgish Event Logo
The idea behind the logo was to celebrate the first ever TEDx event in Luxembourgish. We used the map of luxembourg with the Luxembourgish flag to connect to TED’s famous “X”. We created white and black versions of the logo by arranging the text in different ways to give more flexibility for various use cases.
Color Palette
For the color palette, we used the official TED color scheme of red, white and black to respect the Brand Guidelines imposed on TEDx events
Helvetica was chosen as the only font for these designs in order to respect the TED Brand Guidelines imposed on TEDx events